OASIS SB Pools 1 & 3

OASIS Small Business is a Best in Class (BIC) IDIQ providing a range of flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services; and information technology services. As a prime on Pools 1 and 3, IT-Strat can provide a maximum range of IT Services to a broad range of customers. OASIS allows multiple disciplines on a single task order and a streamlined acquisitions process.

The objective of OASIS SB is to provide Government agencies with total integrated solutions for a multitude of professional service based requirements on a global basis. These professional service requirements may call for solutions that cross over multiple disciplines, include ancillary support, and require commercial and/or non-commercial items, using a variety of contract types including fixed-price (all types), cost reimbursement (all types), time and materials/labor hour, or a hybrid mix of contract types.
IT-Strat is a Prime on Pools 1 and 3

Core Disciplines

  • Engineering Services
  • Scientific Services
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Management Consulting Services
  • Program Management Services
  • Logistics Services
  • Financial Services

Please contact us for further details.

Program Manager
Namita Magoon